Online information session - River Delta Development (MSc)

HZ University of Applied Sciences

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Online information session River Delta Development (MSc)

Are you curious what the Master's programme River Delta Development is about? Join this webinar and we will explain what you will learn about the most challenging ecological topics in the world: river deltas.

You will discover, among other things: 
  1. What’s in the name River Delta Development. 
  1. What the programme is about. 
  1. Why we decided to work together with 3 universities and what this means for you. 
  1. Why this programme might be interesting for you. 
  1. What you can do after this program. 

We will give you all the information you need on the programme, but also on practical matters such as accommodation, fees and finances and needed documents.  

Would you like to participate in the River Delta Development webinar? Please fill in the application form. After registration you will receive a confirmation email with a link to the webinar. The confirmation email will appear in your mail box within five minutes. 
Presentation by
HZ lecturer and HZ student
45 min

You can view this online information session from your computer, tablet or mobile phone.

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